Hello world!

Welcome to our blog, Dream Travel Repeat, we are so glad you found us. We decided to start writing a blog to document all of our travel adventures in one spot and to help everyone who asks us, “how do you plan all of your travel?”, “where did you just get back from?”, “how do you find what activities you are going to do?” or "what's been your favorite vacation?"

We want you to get to know us a little more, so here are 10 random facts we want to share

  1. Our home base is in the midwest - Lincoln, Nebraska.  Go Big Red!

  2. We have visited over 20 countries and counting.

  3. Jason is a huge Broncos and Cubs fan, but don’t hold that against us. 

  4. Kim is a Travel Advisor with Fora! Check out her profile here.

  5. Not super proud of this and don't recommend doing so, but we've given cash bribes in two different countries to get out of tickets.

  6. A TV series we have watched multiple times is Arrested Development. 

  7. We both only speak one language, but know “un poco de espanol”.

  8. We have been to 10 Jimmy Buffett concerts, we are “Parrotheads.” 

  9. We both are certified open water scuba divers.

  10. Our longest travel “day” was 53 hours and 39 minutes long. 

Our motto is Travel to Live, Live to Travel.  Some of the reasons we like to travel: 

  • To experience different cultures and see how people live in all different areas of the world.

  • To meet new people, make new friends, and talk to people from all walks of life.

  • Because we love visiting the ocean, mountains, rainforests/jungles. 

  • To see the Natural Wonders of the World.

  • To see different wildlife on land and underwater. 

  • To see historical sites.

  • Finally, not to have any regrets about not getting out to experience the world.

If you are still thinking to yourself, I don’t know why I would read this blog, then maybe we aren’t connecting.  That’s ok, we won’t be for everyone.  But if you are curious about getting to know us more or wanting to see the world as we travel, then keep reading.  Thank you for being here, you all mean the WORLD to us!   


Three Days in Lucerne